queer florist holding wedding bouquet


Just like flowers, you’re wild, weird, and wonderful.

And that makes three of us!

Throwing an all-white wedding? Nah, not for you.

Setting your tables with perfectly round, tight arrangements that look like how you feel when you’re buttoned-up in a necktie? Nope, set those flowers free!

Looking to add some drama and delight to your company party (the kind of drama that actually impresses your colleagues, that is)? Yes, please, let’s create a full-on floralscape!

Basically, if your vibe is more mix-it-up than Martha Stewart, then I’m the florist for you.

Hi! I’m Zoe Kane, and here’s what’s at the heart of Althea Floral Design.

Florals are often seen as a standard feature at a wedding or event, but I believe that they’re much more than a decoration.

We humans have always gravitated towards flowers for adornment, protection, and their vibrant symbolism. (Everything just feels more special when flowers are around, right?) At Althea Floral Design, I bring the magic of florals into modern celebrations, creating a lush sensory experience you can delight and get lost in.

In my design process, I aim for bold over boring, unconventional over what’s expected, and inclusive above all. Althea comes from the Greek word for healing (and okay, maybe it also comes from my mom’s favorite Grateful Dead song which turned into my middle name…) and I love to channel that spirit into everything I create.

So when we pair up, we won’t just talk colors or vase shapes. We’ll use florals to honor and reflect who you are, enchant your guests, and create a whole vibe for an unforgettable celebration. At Althea, you’re not just buying blooms—you’ll get expressive, original floral art that brings beauty and joy to life all around you in wild, living color.

Here’s where my inspiration stems from

A peek into how Althea grew!

…The book Fairie-ality brought me deep into the world of floral magic as a creative kid. (If you also owned it, HEY, we’re meant to be friends.) I was mesmerized by the possibilities of flowers as fashion and art, not just stems in a vase.

…In another life, I would have been your wedding photographer instead! For years, I took photography classes at the San Francisco Art Institute, but eventually I boomeranged my way back to my truest love—florals. (You know I have your back when it comes to amazing photos, though!)

…Before launching Althea, I trained with the Cass School of Floral Design and got my hands dirty as a retail florist. Let me tell you—the holiday arrangements rush will prepare you for anything. Ask me about surviving the Valentine’s Day floral frenzy!

…My fave blooms aren’t just about bouquets, baby. Some of my most fun projects have included creating a 14-foot rainbow-hued installation for Pride month (hiiii queer friends!) and adorning people with BodyBlooms for creative boudoir sessions.

Some Althea faves
(floral and otherwise!)


It’s always changing, but probably stock. Very un-aesthetic name, very gorgeous color variety.


Honestly…? The Cupid Shuffle! (Yes, group dances are kind of dorky and no, I don’t care if you make fun of me!)


May and June, my kitties. June’s the extrovert like me, and May’s just here for all the cardboard boxes.

And hey—these values are what keep Althea blooming

You are welcome, seen, and celebrated around here!


Your florals should put a giant smile on your face, delight your guests, and immerse everyone in some enchanting, kaleidoscopic flower magic for a day! I design to share beauty and joy, and I want every single floral creation to help you feel happily inspired.

happy bride holding bouquet


These aren’t your wedding industrial complex florals. Straight people aren’t the only people who get married, women aren’t the only people who like flowers, and celebrations can look allll different kinds of ways, right?! As a queer florist, I honor couples, triads, and polycules of any gender, sexual orientation, race, and identity, and partner with clients who are on the same page.

happy lgbt couple with flower rain


I believe in being honest co-creators of your floral vision. Looking for something totally unconventional at your celebration? Yes please, tell me more! Wondering how to allocate your budget, or curious about pricing? I always break it down for you clearly and make thoughtful recs to help you get the most out of your experience.

gay pride flowers spelling out love


Imagination, not tradition, rules around here. Your celebration is literally one of a kind, so your florals should be too! Thoughtful designs that reflect your personality and the vibe you want to create help set the tone for the whole day.

original floral design on woman's chest


Flowers are an incredible gift the Earth has given us, and designing sustainably is at the heart of my process. Althea is a completely foam-free studio, and reusing, recycling, and composting is second-nature to me. Here’s to more art and less waste!

orange and pink floral arrangement

Unconventional florals for your unforgettable celebration

Because you’re so not boring, so your blooms shouldn’t be either!

From the space you’re in to the clothes you’re wearing, everything feels more special when you’re immersed in total floral magic.

Dreaming of lush floral art to help celebrate your love? Imagining an event installation to get your guests’ cameras clicking?

Let’s bring it to life in wild, living color.